You may be confused about choosing the right floor for your home.
SPC flooring can be your best choice! SPC flooring offers many benefits that will surely make you happy with the decision to choose it.
The latest generation of wood flooring products, SPC flooring, was created with Unilin click interlocking technology to allow for simple installation on various ground surfaces. It makes no difference if it is laid immediately over already-existing flooring or tiles. Stone powder and plastic are combined to create SPC flooring, which is extremely durable, water-resistant, and made for long-term usage. excellent choice for busy streets or public spaces. SPC-type flooring is far more water resistant than laminate flooring in general and won't flex or expand either. The finest option for your home or workplace, this extremely rigid floor blends the beauty of wood with the solidity of stone. formed from many layers for long-term color stability and scratch resistance. This sort of floor has an IXPE layer as the bottom backing and is exceptionally pleasant and soundproof. The benefits of this sort of flooring include good dimensional stability, strong scratch resistance, low walking noise, no bending from expansion, 100% waterproofing, and no toxic emissions.
Various Thicknesses and Designs
The thickness of an SPC floor has a significant impact on comfort and durability. We have a wide range of products to suit your needs. We'll give you a detailed description of SPC flooring thicknesses and guidance on how to choose the right thickness for your home.
SPC or Stone Plastic Composite flooring is a type of flooring that is becoming a trend in Indonesia. Many people choose SPC flooring because of its high strength and relatively affordable price compared to other types of floors. However, there are still many people who don't know what SPC flooring is and what its advantages are compared to other types of flooring.
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SPC flooring offers a relatively more economical price compared to products in its class and has several advantages over other types of flooring, such as being waterproof, scratch-resistant, termite-resistant, easy to install, and durable. SPC flooring also offers a large selection of colors and motifs as well as various thicknesses to suit your needs and budget.
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SPC floors are susceptible to drastic changes in temperature. Not suitable for rooms exposed to direct sunlight or rooms that require high temperatures such as sauna rooms. If exposed to very high heat, SPC floors can warp therefore , You should avoid placing very hot objects on the SPC floor, such as an iron or a pot that was just removed from the stove. read more...
Since SPC flooring doesn't include any hazardous chemicals like formaldehyde or volatile organic compounds, it is thought to be more environmentally friendly than other forms of flooring. You don't need to be concerned about potential negative consequences on your family. Continue reading
SPC flooring is easy to care for by dusting it regularly with a broom or soft dusting cloth. If the SPC Floor is stained, clean it with a cloth dampened with water and mild soap. Don't worry, maintenance of spc floors is almost the same as caring for ceramic floors, it's just not recommended to use harsh chemicals.
Frequently Asked Questions
Tips, Tricks, and Recommendations
To ensure that your flooring investment is maintained and lasts a long time, read our article for advice on how to choose, install, and maintain SPC flooring appropriately.
SPC flooring offers a relatively more economical price compared to products in its class and has several advantages over other types of flooring, such as being waterproof, scratch-resistant, termite-resistant, easy to install, and durable. SPC flooring also offers a large selection of colors and motifs as well as various thicknesses to suit your needs and budget.
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Find a wide range of high quality flooring in our categories. "For indoor to outdoor areas, we provide a choice of beautiful and durable flooring to beautify your space."
Kelebihan Lantai SPC
Lantai SPC atau Stone Plastic Composite memiliki beberapa kelebihan yang membuatnya menjadi pilihan populer, antara lain:
Tahan Air: Lantai SPC memiliki ketahanan terhadap air yang sangat baik, menjadikannya pilihan yang baik untuk area seperti kamar mandi, dapur, atau ruang bawah tanah yang mungkin terkena air.
Tahan Gores: Lantai ini memiliki lapisan pelindung yang tahan terhadap goresan dan noda, menjadikannya pilihan yang baik untuk area dengan lalu lintas tinggi atau rumah dengan hewan peliharaan.
Stabilitas Dimensi: Lantai SPC memiliki stabilitas dimensi yang baik, yang berarti mereka tidak akan melentur atau mengembang seiring waktu, bahkan di bawah kondisi suhu dan kelembaban yang ekstrem.
Kenyamanan dan Kedap Suara: Lantai SPC biasanya memiliki lapisan IXPE di bagian bawah yang memberikan kenyamanan saat berjalan dan membantu meredam suara.
Pemasangan yang Mudah: Dengan teknologi interlocking klik Unilin, lantai SPC dapat dipasang dengan mudah di berbagai permukaan lantai.
Varietas Desain: Lantai SPC tersedia dalam berbagai desain dan tekstur, memungkinkan Anda untuk menyesuaikan penampilan lantai Anda sesuai dengan gaya dan preferensi Anda.
Ramah Lingkungan: Lantai SPC tidak menghasilkan emisi beracun, menjadikannya pilihan yang lebih ramah lingkungan dibandingkan dengan beberapa jenis lantai lainnya.
Kekurangan Lantai SPC
Meskipun Lantai SPC memiliki banyak kelebihan, ada juga beberapa kekurangan yang perlu dipertimbangkan:
Keras: Meskipun lantai SPC lebih nyaman dibandingkan dengan beberapa jenis lantai lainnya seperti keramik atau batu, mereka masih lebih keras dibandingkan dengan lantai kayu atau karpet. Ini bisa menjadi pertimbangan jika Anda mencari lantai yang sangat nyaman untuk berjalan atau berdiri dalam waktu lama.
Tidak Dapat Diamplas: Berbeda dengan lantai kayu keras, lantai SPC tidak dapat diamplas dan diwarnai ulang. Jadi, jika lantai mengalami kerusakan yang signifikan, pilihan terbaik mungkin adalah menggantinya.
Bisa Dingin: Seperti lantai keras lainnya, lantai SPC bisa terasa dingin di kaki di musim dingin. Ini bisa diatasi dengan penggunaan karpet atau sistem pemanas lantai.
Estetika: Meskipun lantai SPC menawarkan berbagai pilihan desain, mereka mungkin tidak memberikan tampilan dan nuansa yang sama dengan lantai kayu asli.
Ingatlah bahwa kekurangan ini mungkin tidak berlaku untuk semua orang dan bisa jadi lebih atau kurang relevan tergantung pada kebutuhan dan preferensi Anda.